Avoiding that Monday Morning Feeling

I hated Mondays at one time.  Well maybe, hate is an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.  Sunday evening, that feeling of dread would descend on me like a dark cloud.  The thought of dragging myself hook, line and sinker to work was enough to keep me in bed for a year.

Monday morning feeling

But thank God, that I no longer have that feeling.  How did I do it?

1  Make your Sunday restful

Sundays are very important…it is the start of the week.  But now, shops are open on Sundays and Sundays are like any other day.  By the time Monday comes, we are exhausted!  Spiritual and physical rest are key for me.  I never miss church on Sunday.  And also when 

2  Plan from the day before

Planning helped set the course not just for Monday morning but also for the week.  It is often said if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Who wanted a week full of failures?

So I decided to plan what I would do for the week.  Planning helped alleviate stress and tension.  Planning also included getting my clothes for the day…wearing a new outfit on a Monday morning is always a booster!

Also plan for the week.  Everything does not need to be done on Monday morning!  Prioritise what has to be done first.  So plan and don’t let the week happen.  You make the week happen!

Right attitude

I decided to approach the day with the right mindset.  The Bible says as a man thinketh so is he.  Well, because I had been dreading the day 12 hours before the Monday alarm sounded, dread was what woke me rather than the chimes.  I needed to adjust my thinking in order to embrace the day

4  Being thankful

Being thankful came from having a right attitude.  I decided that being thankful and grateful was the best approach to the sunrise.  When I thought of the fact that some could not even get up because they were so ill.  Or that some did not even have a job, I was quick to go on my knees and thank God for a new day.  I realised that each day was a gift.  As they often say, today is called the present because that is precisely what it is…a present.

5  Making mini adjustments

Perhaps you now have more work load and wonder how you are going to cope.  Remember, little drops of water make a mighty ocean.  So pace yourself.  Put in little changes, little efforts, little by little.  You will be surprised at how much progress you have made.  So make the adjustment to your morning schedule gradually.  This would avoid that feeling of being overwhelmed.

6  Have a good breakfast

I am an advocate for breakfast.  Breakfast will always be the most important meal of the day.  Imagine you have been on a fast for several hours and then wake up and still continue the fast!  You need to break it, that is why it is called break – fast…ha ha!  You will find that breakfast will make you more alert and less sluggish.  Your brain, energy and body will thank you.  And believe it or not, eating breakfast makes you slimmer!

7  Spiritual exercise is profitable

You may opt to do a morning jog or swim but your spiritual exercise is of greater importance.  We need to build our ‘inner man’.  The quiet time you spend each morning has mileage.  I can’t step out of the door without it.  So spend time praying and meditating.  Commit your day to the Lord and you will be surprised at how much you can take whatever is thrown at you for the rest of the day!

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