Why we don’t Move Forward at times…

Sometimes it seems like we are stuck in rot. We take one step forward and 50 steps back…or that’s they way it looks.

At other times, we just get frustrated. Just at the point we think one thing is behind us another thing pops up.
But there are times, when we just don’t move on, not because of external factors but because of things that we ourselves need to address.

Yes that is the hard truth…You did not want to hear that today…but if there are things that we ourselves can do to move forward, it will have a lot of mileage.
So what could these possibly be?

1 We keep looking back

Regret is not good. It can be damaging. It plays the guilt trip on us that keeps us in bondage.
Chuck and I had to make some radical changes in order to move forward. Chuck was always looking back. I had to remind him that he was forever saying ‘I used to.’ It clearly showed me that he was living in a glorious past that was had long flown away.

The past is gone. We can’t go back into the past and change it…we can learn lessons from it.

However, we can do something about our future. And that is to look forward instead of looking behind you. And that is what Chuck had to do.

2 We want answers to questions that no one can answer

Except God! You want an answer as to why a certain thing happened. It may be something painful or even traumatic.

You keep asking ‘why?’ and each time you do you feel worse than the last time. There are some answers we will never know or understand till we are face to face with our Maker. If not we will be forever in bondage to our past.
Chuck has several questions he can ask. Why did he collapse at the airport and was taken to a mental hospital immediately?

What was the correlation between a collapse and mental hospital and then put on drugs? He could ask a million questions about so many things and the way they were handled but how would that have helped him progress?
Life is precious and a gift. Life can get better. So those questions that you can’t answer, just leave!

3 We keep doing the same thing

If we keep doing the same thing, we will keep having the same results.

There are some things we just have to change. There are some habits that just have to go. Else they will hold us back. It may sound brutal, but that is the reality. So we need to self examine ourselves and address what needs to be addressed.

4 We are in our comfort zone

The comfort zone, believe it or not, is the most uncomfortable place to be. The comfort zone gives us a sense of security that is false and fake.

We need to come out of our comfort zone purposely and radically at times. Else many years will pass and you will find that you are still in the same place, same job, same situation or whatever.
Chuck knew that he was stuck in his comfort zone. It seemed a safe place to be but he quickly learnt the dangers of it such as complacency.

He came to realise that coming out of his comfort zone helped give him a new drive and that played a great part in his recovery.

5 We do not seek knowledge

The Bible says people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And that is so true.

If you don’t know that there is such a thing as gravity and you go to the top of the building and decide to walk off a sledge as if you are on a pavement, the result will be disastrous, to put it kindly.
Knowledge is important. We need to know how, what, why, when, at times.

Ignorance is not bliss in many cases. Ignorance can get very expensive.

Always go for knowledge. It may be that key that fits the lock that opens to making strides ahead!

How have you moved forward in a particularly habit or something that was a part of you for years? Please share in comments below.

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