By John Adams

Our past is a part of our existence that cannot be deleted. Good or bad, it is what made us the person we are today. You cannot run from your past, but you can make peace with it. We all experience pain and loss in many forms throughout life. We make mistakes, bad decisions, and reckless choices. Let go of the past. Regret and remorse can be a positive thing, as long as it doesn’t become a way of life or identity. Whatever happened is irreversible, and now it is time to move on.

Let go of the past

#1 Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is not a hippie trend or some sort of complicated religious ritual. It is merely a mental exercise that is used to concentrate thoughts on the present. It allows a person to appreciate what they have at the moment, rather than worrying about something they cannot control, i.e. the past and future. Mindfulness can be achieved through meditation, yoga, being closer to nature, and developing the habit of doing one thing at a time.

#2 Forgive & Forget

Life becomes stagnant if we don’t forgive and forget. You can never move on from past grievances if you don’t forgive yourself and others who wronged you. Remember that everyone makes mistakes or is compelled by bad choices at some point in life. Live in the moment, improve yourself, and make great memories to heal old wounds.

#3 Get Closure

If you are angry at someone, seek someone’s forgiveness, or have words left unsaid, do not delay confrontation any further. Speak your mind and let your emotions flow to attain inner peace. You shall feel a lot lighter, and perhaps help the other person get better as well.

#4 Create Distance

If you have toxic people in your life who are constantly taunting or devaluing you, cut them off. Where getting rid of them for good is not an option, the least you can do is create distance. If switching accommodation or leaving a job is what it takes, go ahead and do it for yourself.

#5 Welcome Change

Change can seem uncomfortable and frightening, but it might just be the thing you need to overwhelm a gloomy past. A change of scenery, new people, unfamiliar sounds, mysterious smells, and untried flavors may bring you pleasure. Give away stuff that reminds you of the past because ‘out of sight’ transitions to ‘out of mind’.  Fully let go of the past.

#6 Surround Yourself with Positive People

Spend more time with people who make you feel safe, loved, and self-assured. Accept compliments and help whenever offered. An unhappy past is always associated with people who let you down. Surrounding yourself with good people in the present is imperative to overcome your fears and trust issues.

#7 Abandon Expectations

If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, expect nothing or expect the unexpected. Do not rely on others to be happy in life. Work towards your personal goals and let others live their own life. If someone disappoints you, get over it because that’s what everyone excels at. 

#8 Try Therapy

There is no shame in receiving professional care and advice if you are unable to work through your problems on your own. At times, a traumatic incident or a toxic relationship can have a very profound impact on a person’s mental health. Dealing with PTSD or deciding to file for divorce may require a copious amount of emotional support.

#9 Work on Personal Growth

Let go of the past. Do not let your past define you. If you are ashamed of the person you used to be, it is never too late to improve yourself. There is no specific age or time for personal growth, so don’t hesitate to be the person you want to be right now. Forget what others think or say; prove them wrong by becoming an example.

#10 Focus on the Future

The past is done and gone. There is no going back in time and altering history. However, you have the opportunity to make the best of your present and shape a better future. The seeds you sow now shall be harvested later.

Author Bio

John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who concentrates on health, fitness, and self-development. He encourages readers to fight their fears and overcome obstacles holding them back. Believing that every person can improve the quality of his/her life by thinking positively and making better choices, he loves to share his insight on life experiences and contributes to various online platforms in the same niche. 

About The Author

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