4 Steps in Meditation
Meditation is so important. For many, when they think of meditation, they think of someone sitting still, cross legged and emptying their mind.
However, meditation is an age old practice that people in the Bible did thousands of years ago and is quite the opposite from the way many portray it today.
Meditation comes from the Hebrew word ‘Hagah’ which means to moan, growl, utter, speak, muse, roar, imagine (Strong’s Concordance 1897). That sounds like a lot of sounds!
Here are the first 2 steps:
These steps are iterative:
- Find a scripture that resonates with you or your circumstances; one that brings encouragement. (In my next blog, I will list a few ones for you).Personalize the scripture. For example, if the scripture says ‘God has not given US a spirit of fear’, personalize as ‘God has not given ME a spirit of fear’.Think over the scripture, think over every word. Keep the thoughts of the scripture constantly on your mind. Muse over them.
- Next stage, begin to mutter the words, the scriptures. Remember it is said that thoughts become words. Your thoughts will come alive in you in this step. They cannot stay in you any longer. They are bursting forth.As you keep muttering the words to yourself, you begin to believe more and more the words you are hearing. Your mind and your speech are singing from the same hymn book. Till now, you may have said anything that came to your mind, whether you meant it or not, whether you believed it or not.
But now you are training your mind to speak only the thoughts of God that you have been dwelling on in stage one. You are training your mind to think only the things you believe.
Next time, we will look at the final 2 exciting steps! Till then, keep meditating…