5 Ways to Stop Negative Talk
What we say more often than not reveals what we believe. What we say also pilots the direction our life will go, especially if we keep saying it!
The Good Book says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. It is interesting that the Bible put death first! Could this be because humans are more likely to speak death more than life?

Unfortunately, our speech is more often in response to our physical perception of circumstances and events. Instead of saying words like “I feel a headache”, we usually say “I have a headache”. But has anyone stopped to think why have it that way? Why possess something so uncomfortable? Some are even inclined to say “My head is killing me!” That to me sounds certainly like the death of which the Bible speaks.
We may say this is just a figure of speech; that is the construction of our native language. However, if we are to pilot our lives rightly, then we must make sure even the words we say, even in jest, are words of life and not death. We can change the course of the ‘normal’ life of ups and downs.
Below are 5 ways to stop negative talk:
#1 Be conscious of your words
As in the example above, stop and think of what you are actually saying. Are the words building you up or are they pulling you down. Do we have to be sick and tired of our job? Can we not just desire a better job? Less words and less ultimate stress too…
#2 Speak in consent with what God says about you
In the work we do at Defying Mental Illness, we meet people of all backgrounds and ages. It is so amazing that kids as young as 13 speak words of death that are so shocking. A 13 year old says they are ugly and fat. And….as a result of these words they have said over and over to themselves, some even voice they want to die by suicide! (Obviously, there are often other underlying issues and it is not always as clear cut as it sounds here). Our Maker however says we are amazingly and miraculously made (Psalm 139:14, God’s Word Translation). That sure sounds nicer, and if I keep saying it, I will soon start seeing it myself.
#3 Hang around people who speak positively
If you stand close to a fire, you will smell of smoke. If you want to change your language, change the people you hang out with. You will soon develop the same mindset as them and start speaking the way they do…the positive ones of course.
#4 Practise, Practise, Practise
If you have been speaking negatively for a long time, it may take you time to change to speaking positively all the time. If you noticed you said something wrong, just correct yourself, make note to self and keep at it.
#5 Don’t give up
This basically elaborating on point 4 above. If you say the wrong words, don’t beat yourself about it. Just correct yourself and start again. It is as simple as that.
Meditation and Confessions series are good resources in learning to stop negative talk and speak right. Grab hold of a copy today and steer your life in a positive way through good use of words!