60 Sec Confidence Building – Are you in a Pit?
Would you say you are currently in a pit? Maybe it’s your finances? Your mental state? Your marriage, or you think your job is the pits? There are some pits that we however need to be in order to move to higher levels. That may shock you.

In the Bible, there was a man called Joseph who found himself in a pit. He was hated by his brothers because he had a big dream. His dreams were facing resistance in other words. Sounds familiar in some ways?
You have dreams to heights in your career or business, perhaps. Maybe you are battling a disease or you have just lost your job. Or rather your job has lost you as I like to say. The situation looks hopeless. Don’t despair.
There was no way for Joseph to rescue himself out of the pit. In a deep, cold and dark hole, he could have yelled till Kingdom come for help. There was no way out.
But something happened. It had to happen.
Some slave traders were passing by at the time. His brothers had a change of heart, or their conscience got pricked. They thought it better to sell their brother rather than leave him in a pit. But how does one go from a slave for life to a leader, as per his dream?
Guess what? His dream came to pass. The pit was part of the ‘conspiracy’ to push him to his destination. The slave traders were Egyptians and Joseph needed to be in Egypt for his dream to come to pass. Now, Joseph did not know that part of the dream, but that was the course of his destiny. Cutting a long story short, Joseph eventually became the prime minister of Egypt.
The pit was the holding place awaiting the slave traders to come pass at the right time. The pit was necessary. It was a lonely place, seemed wrong to be there, but Joseph in hindsight was at the right place at the right time.
I don’t know what pit you are in right now. But know that it is just a holding place to push you into your destiny. Don’t stop dreaming. You need to keep your dream alive even when in the pit.
Because the pit is part of the script that you did not know was part of the dream!
Why not read the inspiring story of Joseph in Genesis 37 to Genesis 45? Please share your thoughts.