Healthy Eating – Tips for a Healthy You
By Beautifully Bronzed
Every New Year, we all make resolutions that we will probably never keep. By the middle of January most people have given up. This is mostly because the goals we set ourselves are not realistic.

It’s good to have resolutions and goals but they must be achievable. There’s no point saying ‘I’m going to lose 5 stone and run a marathon’ when you do not even walk to the shops round your house. Some people may achieve this. But when we fail to keep up, we feel upset and disappointed.
A good resolution for some would be to say, ‘I’m going to eat a healthier diet and do more exercise.’ This approach is better as it does not put too much pressure on us as it’s much more flexible.
The best way is to start slowly so it’s not a shock to your system. Start by adding a 20 minute walk into your daily routine. Cut back on the biscuits. Ease yourself in. Each week, do a little bit more. That way you are more likely to stick to this than a strict military routine.
We have all heard of the smoothie diet. I personally don’t agree with replacing all your meals with a smoothie. However, a smoothie in the morning for breakfast or as a snack can give you a huge boost. It is a great way to get more fruit, vegetables and vitamins into your diet and improve your immune system. Getting your five a day could not be easier! Healthy eating does not need to be a tall order…
Try adding a few ’Power’ ingredients to your smoothie to really get the best out of it.
- Blueberries – Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C.
- Spinach – Spinach may help fight cancer, improve your cardiovascular health, and improve brain function.
- Goji Berries – Goji berries contain vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin A, iron, selenium and other antioxidants.
- Chia Seeds – These tiny seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and provide protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Try adding two tablespoons to your smoothie.
Add these ingredients in with milk or water, low fat yogurt and any of your favorite fruits and you’re good to go!
Smoothies are high in fiber and allow your body to eliminate toxins the right way instead of through your skin. This way you end up with a clearer, more radiant complexion. As you eat natural, healthy foods, you will have more energy too. This helps to get things done and enjoy your day.
With your increased energy, you could do more exercise, maybe join a local aerobics, Zumba or Kettle Bells class. This is a great way to meet new people with similar goals.
A few simple changes such as I have listed above can make a world of difference. Healthy eating and exercise will have you glowing from the inside out all winter.
Healthy eating. Happy new you!
Do you have any healthy eating tips you would like to share? Please feel free to comment below.
If you would like to have that beautifully bronzed glow over the winter months, Beautifully Bronzed are only to happy to help.
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