The Secret of a Good Diet: Eat Breakfast Like a King
By Earls Sandwiches
Believe it or not, one can be healthy in 2015. Below are 5 tips to the secret of a good diet.

#1 Eat well
We all lead busy lives and sometimes good eating habits can be pushed aside. We have all been tempted before to grab a biscuit on the go rather than eating a proper meal. Eating well is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel great.
Eating a wide variety of foods is essential to ensure that you’re getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Good food should provide us with enough energy to keep us going throughout the day.
#2 Don’t skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. Research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight and is great start to the day. Breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet. Breakfast provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need to maintain a healthy body.
#3 Water, water everywhere
Your body needs water or other fluids to avoid dehydration. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 liters of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 liters of fluid per day. That’s about eight glasses of 200 ml each for a woman, and 10 glasses of 200 ml each for a man.
Water is the best choice as it hydrates you without adding any extra calories to your daily intake. Most types of drink count including tea, coffee, soft drinks, milk, fruit juice and smoothies.
#4 Lunch on the go
Lunch is an important meal as it provides us with energy to keep us going throughout the afternoon. We don’t all have time to prepare a packed lunch before work so a takeaway lunch is a must for a lot of people.
The best way to a great lunch is variety as this ensures we are getting the right balance of foods. Include starchy foods such as a wholegrain rolls, bagels, wraps and sandwiches. It’s good to add in protein like fish, eggs, prawns or chicken as these can help to keep you full for longer.
You can add extra vegetables into your salads, wraps, and sandwiches; try adding onion, sweetcorn or cucumber. You might also like to incorporate more of fruit, grab an apple, banana or tub of fruit salad.
#5 Every little helps
We need to make the right choice when deciding where to eat; we don’t want to waste our money on bland tasteless food. At Earls Sandwiches, we understand that a good food is important so we pride ourselves on using the finest ingredients available. All our food is freshly made and we use locally sourced produce whenever possible to reduce our carbon footprint.
We pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of delicious food from breakfast to lunch and do our best to cater for special dietary requirements. So whether you are opting for a tuna salad, a bacon bap or homemade apple pie we have it covered.
Why not pop in today at Earls Sandwiches. We look forward to welcoming you.
Earls are a family run business with over 25 years catering experience in the City of London. In our shop we serve the finest quality food and drink including sandwiches, savories, fruit platters, tea and coffee. We also cater for local offices providing sandwich and fruit platters for business meetings. All our food is made to order on the premises. So if you want a prawn salad or ciabatta melt, we can do it.
You can find Earls Sandwiches at:
7 Cullum Street, London, EC3M 7JJ
Or contact us:
Tel. 0207 626 1694
Facebook: earl’s sandwiches London
Instagram: earls.sandwiches