World Health Day 2015 – What you did not know about Food Safety!
by Earls Sandwiches
We all lead fast paced lives and often don’t have time to take a proper break to eat lunch. We run out grab a sandwich and eat it at our desks. Studies have shown that the average office desk in London has more bacteria than a toilet seat! It’s not all about the places we buy our food, often our own desks are the culprits.

The theme of World Health Day 2015 is Food Safety. It is an opportunity to alert people working in different government sectors, farmers, manufacturers, retailers, health practitioners – as well as consumers – about the importance of food safety, and the part each can play in ensuring that everyone can feel confident that the food on their plate is safe to eat.
We all understand how important food safety and food hygiene is, however World Health Day 2015 is a reminder that we should not be complacent. Most cases of food poisoning will just leave you feeling unwell but unsafe food is linked to many deaths each year. This is mostly caused by food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites.
Some reasons for food contamination are:
1. Not cooking food thoroughly (particularly meat)
2. Not storing food correctly.
3. Leaving cooked food for too long at warm temperatures
4. Not properly reheating previously cooked food
5. Cross-contamination – the spread of bacteria between contaminated foods
To avoid contamination of food:
1. Keep clean – all food preparation and food storage areas should be properly cleaned
2. Separate raw and cooked food
3. Cook food thoroughly
4. Keep food at safe temperatures
5. Use clean water and cooking implements utensils
These points should be followed by all food outlets as well as at home.
If you must eat at your desk keep a supply of anti-bacterial wipes and hand-sanitizer available.
Wash your hands! A recent study has suggested that one in five people don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. This is one of the easiest ways pass on any bacteria that might be on a person hands.
Common Types of Food Bacteria:
##1 Campylobacter – this is the most common identified cause of food borne disease. It has been found mainly in poultry, red meat, unpasteurised milk and untreated water. Although it doesn’t grow in food it spreads easily, so only a few bacteria in a piece of undercooked chicken could cause illness.
##2 Salmonella – Salmonella is the second most common cause of food poisoning after campylobacter. It has been found in unpasteurised milk, eggs and raw egg products, meat and poultry. It can survive if food is not cooked properly.
##3 E.coli – Most strains of E.coli are harmless, but those that produce verocytotoxin can cause severe illness. In the UK, the most common type is E.coli 0157.
##4 Listeria – Listeria monocytogenes is present all around in the environment. It has also been found in low numbers in many foods. In certain foods, such as soft mould-ripened cheeses and pâtés, it may be present in higher numbers. Eating foods containing high levels of listeria monocytogenes is generally the cause of illness.
Food can become contaminated at any stage during production, processing or cooking.
Unlike at home or the office all food outlets are inspected and rated, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) is responsible for food safety and food hygiene across the UK. It works with local authorities to enforce food safety regulation standards are being met.
The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection or visit by the local authority.

At Earls Sandwiches, not only do we pride ourselves on our food quality, we also pride ourselves on our hygiene levels and we currently hold a five star food hygiene rating, this is the highest level available. At Earls Sandwiches, you can be sure you will always receive great food that has been hygienically prepared.
Pop in to Earls Sandwiches and have a bite sometime. You are in safe hands!
You can find Earls Sandwiches at:
7 Cullum Street, London, EC3M 7JJ
Or contact us:
Tel. 0207 626 1694
Facebook: earl’s sandwiches London
Instagram: earls.sandwiches