60 Sec Confidence Building – 10 Reminders to Make up your Mind about

We make up our mind about all sorts of things. Often they are negative. Like, I will never talk to so and so again. I will never help Mr Jackson again. (Why should the behavior of one negative experience change who we are, by the way?). And so on.
Here are 10 quick (positive) reminders to make up our minds about:
- Make up your mind to be happy
- Make up your mind to stop worrying
- Make up your mind to stop people pleasing
- Make up your mind to never give up on your dreams
- Make up your mind to come out of your comfort zone
- Make up your mind to speak positive life giving words
- Make up your mind to enjoy life. You only have one go at it!
- Make up your mind to like everyone even if they don’t like you
- Make up your mind to break any unfulfilling or destructive habits
- Make up your mind to declutter your mind – move on from anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and hurt
Most importantly, make up your mind to make up your mind. Set your mind on these things and you will be surprised in 30 days how much lighter, more free, and happier you would be.
And in making up your mind, remember there are no alternatives, or negotiations. Example, if you have made up your mind to stop worrying, don’t negotiate that you will not worry about A and B, but you will worry about C.
It would also help if you printed the image as a reminder. It would help keep your focus.
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