Anne Arouna

Anne Arouna was born in Africa in a polygamous Muslim family among several siblings. Anne encountered all manner of abuse including rape, from trusted families and friends, and suffered greatly as a result. Thinking that getting married would ease her pain, she got married to the first man that came along, also a polygamous man. Unfortunately, things worsened as she was wrongly accused, rejected, beaten, battered and scarred. She went through so much pain, anguish and hurts for many years, and even suffered depression at one point. Today Anne has forgiven all her abusers and is free from the effects of all her ordeals. Anne uses her experience to teach and empower others particularly abused ladies, that there is so much power, freedom and joy in forgiveness even to those who have abused you. Anne is a speaker, writer, interpreter, a columnist and a life coach. Her long awaited forthcoming book The Power of the Promise will be out in 2015.