Be the Best You Can Be
By Beautifully Bronzed
Confidence is defined as belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; Self-confidence; Self-reliance; Assurance.
The modern world can be quite fickle. Magazines are forever bombarding us with airbrushed pictures and trying to tell us this is how we should look. We all know that we can’t realistically look like the celebrities and models in these magazines as most of them don’t look that good in real life either!

But why should we look like this? I’m sure the people writing these articles don’t look like the models they are writing about either!
Too many people are falling for this ‘perfect look’ phenomenon. This is not helped by us living in the age of the ‘selfie.’ I see hundreds of selfies everyday on Facebook and Instagram, all seeking approval from people they often don’t even know.
Feeling good about yourself is important, but you should not be worrying about what others think. As much as you might get nice comments, there is always someone out there who may post nasty comments and unfortunately, these are the ones we remember.
Confidence is a state of mind, some people are naturally confident and some have to work at it. A lot of people act confident whether they are or not, they put on a show. Confidence and a positive attitude are contagious.
Doing what makes you feel good is key to building self confidence, something as simple as a beauty treatment can give you a massive boost. Every client that has received a spray tan at Beautifully Bronzed has been left smiling. It has given them the confidence to uncover their legs in the summer or wear that special dress.
We do not all want to spend countless hours working out at the gym. A quick spray tan will make you look slimmer and your skin more even as it covers many imperfections. Eating a good diet and keeping active is much better than these fad diets and exercise crazes. If you feel good, you’ll look good. Be the best you can be.
Forget what others think; do it for yourself. True friends don’t care what your hair looks like or how much you weigh. We all waste too much time comparing ourselves to other people… they’re slimmer, prettier, more clever.. does it matter? What matters is how you see yourself. As soon as you learn to be happy in your own skin, your confidence will grow.
Being the best version of you is all that counts.
Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are – Beyonce
If you would like to have that beautifully bronzed glow, Beautifully Bronzed are only to happy to help.
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