The Best of Defying Mental Illness Blogs – 1
It has been an interesting and busy blog week. Thanks for all your comments, shares and likes. We have learnt as much from you as you have from us (hopefully)! Our posts this week have been varied. Special thanks goes to our guest blogger, Anne, who gave us a new dimension with her post on the subject of Female Genital Mutilation.

So let’s take a quick recap on some blogs on mental illness on this site… you just can’t afford to miss out on these ever:
#1 What Would You Have Done If In My Shoes?
Zoe has a blind date with a nice gentleman called Chuck. After a string of Mr. Wrongs, Zoe is in no mood to nurse another broken heart. Chuck seems nice. They get on well. But Chuck has something rolled up his sleeve that Zoe is oblivious to. When Chuck finally tells her, Zoë is lost for words…
#2 Would You Date Someone With Mental Illness?
Our most popular blog of the week got us asking you whether you would date someone with mental illness. Would you? You probably never considered it before perhaps. Zoe keeps us further in suspense in another riveting post. Zoe had already been on a couple of dates with Chuck before Chuck tells her about his ‘skeletons’. The question now is would she continue the courtship or would she run while she still had her own sanity in check? Zoe takes us through her journey of emotions and hard pressed decisions…
#3 The Uninvited Guest, Mental Illness In The Honeymoon
What if the ugly monster of mental illness appeared during your honeymoon? The ink has not dried yet but the signs and the trails of it’s ugliness are threatening the paradise camp. This can happen to anyone. Does the honey go out of the moon at that point?
#4 Guest Blog: The Selfish Reason Of Female Genital Mutilation
Our guest blogger, Anne Arouna, pauses our series on Mental Illness and Dating somewhat by giving us a different focus. In this blog, Anne takes us to a place many of us may be still ignorant about. Female Genital Mutilation is a barbaric selfish act that happens in today’s world! And in case you thought it did not happen where you live it takes place too in some other places of the world. In Western countries, it secretly happens as an import of culture. Anne unravels the reason why it started which is equally shocking and unbelievable. Knowledge is power. We are empowered by the end of this riveting post.
#5 3 Ways Of Establishing New Habit
A habit starts with a thought. Chuck shows us how we can retrain our habits. Benjamin Franklin said “Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones” What is your net worth? If you want to increase your net worth, this post is for you!
#6 3 Things Not To Do In Breaking Habits
Sometimes with the best will and intention in the world, we try so hard to break bad habits only for those habits to seemingly have the upper hand over us. Chuck shows us in this 3 step guide how to break out of the grip of bad habits once and for all. Never be frustrated again. After reading this post, you will be able to look at those bad habits eyeball to eyeball, and know that you always win!
#7 3 Tax Efficient Ways Of Running Your Business In The UK
And to end of the week, we went on a completely new direction with this post on how to efficiently run your business. Running a business can be stressful and many business owners can end up depressed or physically ill. Knowledge again is power. Don’t let your business perish because of lack of knowledge. Chuck gives us 3 easy steps you may never have thought about. Although the content applies to UK business owners, these may however apply in your country too. Just check if the rules are relevant to where you live.
Before we go… We are already steaming ahead this week with a line up of interesting blogs. Never miss out on another blog post again. We are always happy to hear your comments too!
I read and enjoyed all blogs except for three that I am yet to read- the two on habits and the tax one. I like the rounding up idea to re-engage everyone. Also, the Gender Mutilation article was quite topic to feed the mind…my faves though are the installments of Zoe and Chuck! They are so powerful in the messagae but they keep it real Have a blessed night. xx
Thanks Nasilele. You will hear more from Chuck and Zoe soon!