Change your Life in 5 minutes – Discover & Break the Hidden Power of Negative Words
In the 10 years I have known Chuck, I have never ever heard him say anything negative even when the going has been tough. Which has been on several occasions! He just doesn’t fire those kind of cylinders. Man, the guy is something!!
Not even when angry would you catch him out. (And Chuck getting angry is rare…I think Chuck has only got angry no more than 5 times in all that time). Must be that I am so perfect, I never do anything wrong…Only kidding!
But there is so much to learn from Chuck, and I believe this was one of his key secrets in defying mental illness.

What is the hidden power of negative words?
The effect on our bodies
Although, there has been doubt and criticisms over his work, Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, performed some very interesting experiments on the effect that words have on energy in the 1990s.
His studies showed that speaking positive words to water caused beautiful crystals to be formed. This was not the case when negative words were spoken over water, instead causing the crystals to be distorted.
Being our bodies are made up of 70% water, it points some incredible light on what negativity can do to our bodies. Learn more about this in on Sound codes series with Pastor Chris who talks extensively about this subject in relation to the power of words over our bodies.
There have been other studies too that show how negative words affects our immunity.
The effect on our brains
It has been said that negative words affect your brain structure. Studies show that even seeing negative words releases stress producing hormones! In Pyschology Today, here is an extract of some findings: In fact, just seeing a list of negative words for a few seconds will make a highly anxious or depressed person feel worse, and the more you ruminate on them, the more you can actually damage key structures that regulate your memory, feelings, and emotions.
The effect on our beliefs
Negative words become negative beliefs. This is because we believe what we hear. The truth is our words are our limitations, boundaries or scope.
Negative words lowers your confidence and self esteem. Negative words affect our moods. Negative words can burst our bubble.
How to change your life in 5 minutes in 5 easy steps:
- Stay clear of gossip, sarcasm, harsh criticisms and negative people.
- Stop complaining. A complaining mind is a place for long term suffering.
- Go on a ‘negative word fast’. In just a few days and you will see how you will begin to sleep more restful which in itself offers so much benefits to your mental, emotional and physical health. A negative word fast would be the start of a good habit of speaking right.
- Change how you talk to others. I found this post from Michael Hyatt on how our words impact others, very much on point.
- Re-write your story. Some people have been through very traumatic lives which I dare not trivialize. However, though one can’t change what happened, we can change how we talk about things. Talking about it keeps causing pain. Now, I am not advocating you bottle it up. No, get it out of your system. But, a time comes when we have to let go and as someone once said, let God. This is a necessity to move on. If the only good thing you can see out of the 99 horrific things in your life, is that you are alive ( even though unhappy because of it), focus on the fact you are alive. Then begin to frame your future with that one positive thought and words. Else, the more you talk with anger and bitterness, the sicker you will become physically or mentally or emotionally. The more sad and even depressed we stay. We can’t control the wind but we can control how we steer our boat. Put a price on yourself.
Increase your self worth by re-writing your story with a happy ending.
If you would like to ‘re-write’ your story, i.e. have something inspirational you would like to share, why not share your story here.