Coronavirus: Protecting your Mental Health is just as important

Coronavirus pandemic has health implications beyond the impact of the virus. Taking measures to protect your mental health in times of crisis is as important as protecting against the disaster.

Everone reacts (or responds) to crisis differently. It is therefore imperative we look out for each other safely, show empathy and be considerate of how others are behaving.
Here are some quick practical steps:
Stay informed but don’t become obsessive
In order to avoid or limit anxiety, worry and fear, limit how many times you check the news. Get your news from reputable sources. Do not become a Coronavirus news analyst. Try not to speculate either.
Avoid Social Media groups that pass on fake news!
Mute Social Media groups that may be passing on fake news about Coronavirus.
Even if they quote a source, check the main website of the source to validate what you are reading.
It is important to do this to avoid panic attacks. And also misleading information that cause more harm than good.
Know your Triggers and continue Medication
Do not excessively wash your hands. Many sources advice is to wash hands for 20 seconds twice . Or while singing happy birthday song.
Watch this NHS video on how to wash hands
OCD patients, please watch out for triggers with excessive hand washing.
People with pre existing mental illness should continue their medication. Watch out for symptoms.
Coronavirus: Self isolation and Quarantine steps
Get support. Ring the relevant helplines in your country. It is important not to isolate yourself by not maintaining any form of contact.
Remember being in self isolation or quarantine, does not mean isolating on social media. Call friends and family.
Do not banish yourself from society as an outcast. Join online worship services if your place of worship is closed
Avoid getting bored if you are in self isolation or quarantine. Find a hobby. Do something you have put off for ages. Get your mind active positively!
Try and rest as much as possible too. Take care of your body. Eat healthily. Avoid any form of addiction habits especially alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Be positive. This virus will end. Most people develop mild symptoms. Stay calm.
You got to think positive. Avoid all forms of negativity which in itself may cause you to be irrational.
See this experience as something that something positive can come out of in spite of all the negatives.
Crisis always forces development. Crisis is an opportunity for change.