Ebola: The psychological impact of Ebola on children

Children have a hard time without protection. In the case of the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, some kids survived while their parents succumbed to the illness. Although it is heart warming that some have been able to survive such a horrible disease, the impact of Ebola brings about its own issues, psychological issues.

When the parents of these orphans are no longer present, there are many gigantic challenges ahead.
#1 The Impact of Ebola: No more stability
Firstly, the provisions the parents were able to put in place are now denied them. The provisions may have been meager or modest, but there was the prospect of some provision! These kids now potentially face hunger, being homeless or living alone or in the streets.
These kids have to deal with the loss of the most stable influences on their young lives. In one sweep, some have lost both parents possibly with their other siblings too. Some may be a little young to fully grasp or understand the impact of what has happened, but their instincts clearly tell them that life is no longer normal.
Imagine the psychological impact of losing your parents when you are a young dependent. The company, the support, the guidance and the protection these kids used to provide have gone.
Furthermore, it is even more challenging than usual to find substitutes. In the case of Ebola, for the older kids, some now face the role of being substituted parents to their younger surviving siblings. Suddenly, their childhood has been fast forwarded to adulthood.
#2 The Impact of Ebola: Stigmatized
Fear, disbelief and lack of knowledge, always brings about stigma. The kids are also faced with being ostracized as a source of fresh infection while possibly being blamed for the death of their family. Some reports have it that these young children that survived Ebola are labelled witches and wizards by affected local communities.
As grossly unfair as this sounds, this is what stigma of Ebola has done. These kids have unjustly earned the label as the Ebola kids. The world sees them as such. No more mamma to hug them; in fact the last time mamma tried to wipe their sweat and clean their vomit, was when mamma took a turn and was never seen again.
Ebola has brought isolation, permanent isolation beyond the hospital wards.
#3 The Impact of Ebola: Unwanted
They are the untouchables. No one wants them. Not even the extended family that once loved them when mamma and papa were around. Now, uncles and aunts shun them. These kids may grow up feeling insecure, unloved, or become tomorrow’s society issues. Basic survival instincts may turn them to petty crime which leads to a downward spiraling, defeated life.
These kids have survived Ebola but they have not overcome it.
The fight against the Ebola virus is indeed a war. The orphans from it are in effect war orphans. What appears different in this case, is how these survivors are regarded. In most war situations, survivors are universally regarded with compassion. These orphans are regarded with suspicion and fear.
But it is not all doom and gloom. We cannot lose heart. We can defy Ebola and its psychological effects no matter the doom and gloom of the situation.
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