Exclusive Interview with Carmen Rose on Singing Verse, Speaking Prose, Eating Disorders and Recovery – 2

If you want healthy relationships, you must love yourself - Carmen Rose
Last time, Defying Mental Illness (DMI) had the utmost pleasure of interviewing the enchanting Carmen Rose (CR), a lady that wears many hats as a singer, songwriter, dance teacher and event manager. Once again, we have Carmen with us. She is here today to tell us the rest of her story.
DMI: Right Carmen, it was such a privilege having you with us the last time. I am sure you have been really busy with all the many things you do and with your show coming up in just 2 weeks from now. So, we are excited to hear the rest of your story…

CR: Oh, thank you (smiles). The pleasure was all mine. Yes, you are so right. I have been so busy. Yes, I am excited about my show. It takes some planning but all good. Right, so where do you want me to start?
DMI: Well last time, you were talking a bit about your childhood. You were a very talented kid who knew precisely what you would be doing at the age of six, i.e. be a singer. How prophetic! In fact, when you say Carmen Rose today, you think music. You know Carmen Rose music! Carmen, you then went on to tell us a bit about how your talents developed. However, meanwhile, you were coping with some heavy stuff. Your parents were having a difficult marriage, your grandmother died. All these kind of contributed to developing eating disorders. Eating disorders gave way to self harm, which is often the case, as you were telling us. So take it from there, if you may please…
CR: Yes, eating disorders were destroying my life. There were a lot of upheavals. My parents were separated by then. Mum was working hard. As I said earlier mum did not know but the nurse at school found out…thankfully. One of the songs I wrote around this time was called Tired. It was about being tired of being a perfectionist.
DMI: Wow, many of us use the term perfectionist, in terms of trying to give our best. What’s so wrong with being a perfectionist?
CR: When perfectionism is your identity, it is a condemnation. Perfectionism is different from Precision. Bulimia and perfectionism are linked. Perfectionism is not glorious. Perfectionism gets one to procrastinate. Because you are filled with fear of getting it wrong. With perfectionism, it is never quite right.
DMI: Thank you Carmen for throwing such light on perfectionism. I will be careful in using that word again in future!
CR: I gave my life to Jesus at 19, and discovered there was now no more condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). I learnt there was no need to be a perfectionist. When Jesus came into my heart, it changed the way I thought of myself.
DMI: Your mother was and is a very committed Christian. No doubt she was praying for you.
CR: Oh yes! Mum spoke life into my life. Mum daily declared words over me, declared positive words over me. And the more she did the more those words had a rub off on me.
DMI: Shows the power of words. So the saying, sticks and stones may break our bones but words can’t hurt you, are not exactly true. Your mum’s words brought about healing to your soul.
CR: Indeed. Mum never gave up. Even though I gave my heart to Jesus at 19, I did not develop a relationship with God till I was 23 years old. By this time, I was going through the anorexia stage. But when I surrendered to God, He began to rebuild my life. I read the Bible till it became my core system. I started doing my own affirmations every day. I placed myself in empowering environments.
DMI: Oh, I like that word…environment. It is like if you are in an environment where there is fire, you will smell smoke. So if you are in an empowering environment, you will become empowered. That is so important, you know Carmen.
CR: You are right. I left a lot of people from my past behind during this time.
DMI: So there was a new ‘you’?
CR: Yes, there was. When Jesus heals you, you realise the weight scales mean nothing to you. For me, I learnt that medication should come from my food. I believe health is wealth. Yes, I have my chocolates now and again but I do not feel guilty.
DMI: There is now no condemnation!
CR: You are getting it (laughs)! That’s right. No condemnation. I lost so much through eating disorders, through diets and personal trainers.
DMI: Until Jesus became your personal Trainer and Healer. Glory to God! So, tell us a bit more about what is happening on the 21st?
CR: On Thursday May 21, Carmen Rose presents a Production Show called Empower Iconography. It is happening at the Distillers in Hammersmith in London.

DMI: Sorry folks, if you are not in the UK, you better get your air tickets now! This sounds good. So what is the story behind the name Iconography? I like that word, Iconography by the way (nods head in approval).
CR: Iconography, because image is more powerful than ever before today. Icon represents a form or identity. We are looking at belief systems and core values with this show. The message is very powerful. All our acts are with a Christian message. This is a show, an event, a theatre production in cabaret style. This show will empower and ignite you through music.
DMI: Wow, this is the place to be. It is all about empowerment. I think all roads lead to Hammersmith on the 21st!
CR: Yes, just go to Eventbrite. Tickets are selling fast.
DMI: Well, we are looking forward to it, Carmen. We are counting our fingers towards the event. Now, before you go, give us a word for a 15 year old that is struggling with eating disorders.
CR: There is NO CONDEMNATION. You don’t need to feel guilty. We are all on a journey of self discovery. There are other ways to cope. Half the time, it is not our fault. We are tracked with marketing, bombarded with images. There is an epidemic of social media, half manufactured bodies and so on.
DMI: That’s true…
CR: There are so many pressures today. Food is your representation of life. The way you view food is the way you view life. Please I am asking you today to talk to someone you trust. Until you call it out, you can’t deal with something that is hidden. What you think is your solution is your massive problem.
DMI: I’ll repeat that… What you think is your solution is your massive problem.
CR: If you can’t tell your parent, tell your doctor.
DMI: Talk to your parent. Else talk to your doctor!
CR: Take the step so you can have an abundant life. (See John 10:10). If you want healthy relationships, you must love yourself. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
DMI: Wow, these are very profound words, Carmen… You know something Carmen, we have learnt so much again today…we would love to have you here with us again at DMI. There is so much in you. Would you join us again…please?
CR: I would like that.
DMI: Well till next time, thank you so much for coming today. And as we all know, all roads lead to Hammersmith on the 21st May. It is a SHOW NOT TO BE MISSED.
CR: Thank you so much. We are looking forward to seeing you all there on the 21st. Stay blessed.
Get your tickets now for Iconography by clicking here
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Awesome testimony! It just shows that God is still in the business of healing not just Cancer, Diabetics or high blood pressure…God heals Mental Illnesses as well!
Love your blog! Very well balanced.
Thank you Lade! Indeed Carmen’s story gives hope to many…
Glad you like our blog too!