God’s Love is Relentless

By Tonya King
I live very close to Lake Erie in the State of Ohio in the U.S. It’s a beautiful lake and I love to go spend time there when I get an opportunity. The sound of the waves gently lapping the shore is very calming and helps me to calm my moods. But, when there is a storm or during the Winter months, the Lake takes on a very different personality. The waves become violent and loud. The blue water turns to gray and the foam forms on the surface of the water. I tend to stay away from the shore when it is stormy because the power of the water is overwhelming.
I was pondering this during my quiet time with the Lord this morning and I felt the Lord speak to me in my Spirit saying “my love is like the waves during the storm. You think it is passive, but it is aggressive”. I was then led to Psalm 42:7 which says…
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
Have you ever witnessed waves crashing across the breakers? I have and it is awesome! It is violent and uncontrolled. Or have you seen a massive waterfall like Niagra, running full speed over the ledge that has been worn down by the power of the water? It makes the breath catch in your throat. Amazing!
It struck me that I always, in the past, thought about God’s love as sweet and serene and that certainly is one aspect of it. But when God is pursuing us, it is a love that is roaring. A love that sweeps us away! His love protects us, fights for us, and is relentless in its pursuit of us. It is a love that is so strong that it can be rejected an infinite amount of times and still will remain. God’s love is always available, complete and cannot be hindered or controlled.
I love that. I love that my God pursues me with His awesome love even when I feel unlovable. There have been many times during the highs and lows of my illness where I have felt that there is no one who can love me, but God does. His love is aggressive, and He will not stop loving you just because you feel He should. Nope, not going to happen.
Our God is chasing us. His love is undeterred by our past or our present. It is time we turn around and allow God’s love to catch us and wash over us just as the waves crash over the breakers. So violent and intense. So aggressive and forceful. So God.
Tonya King is a Writer, Speaker and Mental Health Coach. She is the founder of Faithful in the Midst ministries which is a ministry devoted to the healing and wholeness of mental illnesses through faith in Jesus Christ.

In 2003, Tonya was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and has been advocating to include faith in Christ as part of treatment and wellness plans. She has been walking with the Lord most of her life but has drawn very close since her diagnosis and truly lives her faith.
Tonya lives in Perry, Ohio, USA with her husband of 31 years, Kevin. She has four children, two girls and two boys. She is available for speaking and coaching engagements.
Read more about Tonya
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