How does stigma occur?
How does stigma occur? Think about it, how does it happen in the first place?
Like most things, stigma is often so deep rooted that it becomes a part of society. These days there is growing awareness about the stigma of mental illness however it is also important to also find out why it occurs in the first place.
In some countries like China for example, those challenged with mental illness can be hidden from society as they are thought to have bad luck or ill fate that could influence others. This is not uncommon in other countries around the world in Asia, Africa and yes Europe and other Western nations!
The truth is irrespective of the culture or the country, many people challenged with mental illness find themselves isolated due to stigma.

Stigma is often founded in false beliefs and stereotypes
People can blame mental illness on drug taking, addictions and reckless lifestyles. People believe that the mentally ill should be excluded from society for their own benefit and also the benefit of society.
Lack of education, wrong information and perceived concepts also results in stigma
There may be campaigns and education to look out for the early signs of heart attacks, say, but how many exist for the mentally ill?
Many think for example schizophrenia is split personality. Many think mental illness is something one can pull themselves out off. Why do people have these thoughts? Because of lack of knowledge. Does not the Bible also say that people perish for lack of knowledge. Yes, we can witness that people are suffering because lack of information, the right information, on mental illness.
Stigma occurs due to cultural expectations
Look at our example earlier. In China, people are isolated because the family has an image to uphold. Having an ‘unkempt’ psychotic sister does not go too well with the family name.
In some parts of Nigeria, before marriage, a family will check if there has ever been any ‘madness’ how many generations back before granting permission for their child to be married to the new family. This is security clearance of another level. If madness is found…well we all know that the clearance check failed.
Mental illness also occurs because stigmatising terms have been around for a long time
Terms such as madness, insanity, hysteria, nervous breakdown, lunacy were acceptable medical terms in the 1900s. Mental illness first appeared in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte in 1847.
When all is said and done, stigma has been around for a long time, even Biblical days. There is a well known story of a man challenged with possible psychosis isolated and living in caves. However because of the compassion of Jesus, He reached out to someone whom society had neglected and left for dead. Is there anyone we have ‘left for dead’ or who is dead in minds? Is it due to our own stigmas? Lets search out our hearts and put an end today. It only starts with each person taking on their own responsibility!
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