In Lockdown during a Pandemic? Good can prevail over evil.

While Coronavirus lockdown is becoming more of the norm than the exception in most countries, life can seem very monochrome.
Are you working from home? (You always wanted to avoid the commute and be a home worker however, this was not quite what you imagined). Kids home? In self isolation?

But there is hope at the end of this lockdown labyrinth. Something positive can certainly be born out of it. Coronavirus does not have to assault our brain cells.
The Bubonic plague spread throughout the whole country of UK between 1665 and 1666. It was a major breakout not too dissimilar to this Coronavirus…
London lost a quarter of its population. It would take 20 years for the bacteria that caused the plague to be discovered. Unimaginable!
Isaac Newton, whom most of us know from school as one of the great scientists name, was one person who was in lockdown. A university student, he found himself without the guidance of his lecturers and professors; no access to our video-led tutorials, social media, and the like, that slightly compensates us.
During this time however, Newton stressed that those enforced times were the most productive intellectually of his whole life!
Newton developed theories on Calculus, optics and the laws of motion and gravity during this period. It seems he did not allow social distancing to distance his brain from scientific discoveries.
So what are our contemplations during this time? Are CNN and BBC are favourite companions?
No. There is a creativity in all of us that is waiting to get to work. Just listen to kids play, you will discover how wild human imagination can be. Our imagination is our creativity.
Don’t put your mind in lockdown because you are home. Turn the negative into something fruitful.
If you are a student, now is the time for developing those ideas and projects further. That hobby that needs developing could make you a fortune after this crisis. That book you always wanted to write…what are you waiting for?
The time Newton spent at home was called the year of WONDERS. Nothing sounds more further and ridiculous than the truth of that statement. Any head of state or person of ‘influence’ that dared to make such a statement now would be faced with withering criticism for even daring to even thinking it…
24 year old Newton said:
“For in those days I was in the prime of my age for invention & minded Mathematics & Philosophy MORE THAN AT ANY TIME SINCE.”
It is imperative we keep positive even though the airwaves and apparently the air are all charged negatively.
It is imperative that we use this time profitably as best as possible.
For when the desolate streets and malls resurrect again, for when all the thorny discussions of this virus is behind us, for when this cloak of darkness ends, time would have advanced.
For Time is not forgiving. Time will not credit us back. The passage of Time will keep sailing. But we will have something to show for it too.
That is our hope!
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