How to Keep your Glow this Winter
by Beautifully Bronzed
The summer holiday is now a memory for Facebook and Instagram. The tan is rapidly fading. With summer fading fast and the dark nights drawing in, it is not surprising that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or winter blues affects around 2 million people in the UK.

SAD can affect anyone regardless of their age, gender or lifestyle. Some of the symptoms include lethargy, sleep and eating problems occur. However, depression and anxiety can occur in some cases.
There are lots of tips on how to combat this including keeping active, going outside, healthy eating and light therapy. Some have suggested that having something to look forward to can go a long way to help lift your mood. This could be a weekend away, a night out or beauty treatment like a spray tan!
Winter seems endless!
A simple spray tan is one of the quickest and easiest ways to brighten your mood.
Fake tanning has evolved endlessly since it first came on the market. Today’s products have been developed using modern, specialist technology which seeks to eliminate the issues of streaking and the dreaded ‘Tango’ look.
Stay safe
We are all aware of the risks of sun exposure; spray tanning offers an alternative way to tan. One spray tan treatment is equivalent to around six tanning bed sessions. It is much safer than risking prolonged over exposure to harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Our Beautifully Bronzed Spray Tan Process
There are lots of great products out there that will leave you looking naturally sun-kissed.
My product of choice is Sienna X. This tanning solution works on the outer layer of your skin and contains DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) which reacts with the amino acids in your skin and the oxygen in the air causing your skin to turn brown.
The spraying process takes about 10-15 minutes to complete plus a few minutes to dry. The spray tan product consists of a guide colour which enables the spray tanner to see where they have sprayed.
The tan will develop over about 8 hours and the guide colour will wash off during your first shower.
Your tan can last between 5 to 7 days and will fade naturally as the outer layer of your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells.
Where it’s always summer!
A great spray tan will give you a healthy glow and a boost of confidence. Don’t let winter get you down; get your spay tan on and stay beautifully bronzed all winter.
If you would like to have that beautifully bronzed glow over the winter months, Beautifully Bronzed are only to happy to help.
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Instgram: beautifullybronzedbb
I always feel down in the wintery grey months, after reading this I will definitely look into getting myself bronzed. Who doesn’t feel good with tan!?! 🙂