Accountability in Life

One day I found myself in a serious crisis.  I had left work and found that there was no way I could get home the usual way.  Thank God, my wife, Zoe, saved me that day.   At one of the city’s  major railway hubs, for the second time, all trains were delayed for extended periods of time. I attempted to find my way home by other means, but was too disoriented to think clearly.

It was only my wife who was constantly in touch  with me by phone that was my rock.  Giving me encouragement with suggestions on how to get home, certainly saved me from a cold night outside.

Accountability is humility and discipline

 After a series of  bus rides, and a couple of hours later, I was picked up by my wife half way from home.  She had driven the extended distance from her work, twice the distance in fact to pick me up.

We should all be accountable to each other.

That is what is meant by truly walking in love. Living accountably is about truly walking in love. This can actually save lives as we are more likely to look out for the interests of people that allow themselves to be accountable to us.

When we choose not to live accountably, we must question our motives.   Most likely, we are seeking to override possible objections that are perfectly valid to be considered.   This is pride in essence.

When we are resentful of instruction or correction we are prideful.  This is not walking in love. Jesus said that the mark of His disciples are that we love one another.  As men, we may feel that we do not need to account to our wives about where we are.  But as you can see, if I had been that way, in a time of crisis, it may have been several hours later before Zoe would have realised that something was amiss.

I could go on and on about the benefits of accountability in life but there is more time for that later.  Lets learn to live accountably to our colleagues and loved ones.  It is a mark of living in unity in which God commands  blessing.

Please share your thoughts on what living accountably means for you


About The Author

2 thoughts on “Accountability in Life

  1. I just read Chuks ‘s message and really appreciate the power of love. It was simple as that what is called LOVE. Wonderful !!!!!’

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