Never Give Up, You Are Closer Than You Think

Culled from ‘Defying Mental illness – A 31-Day Devotional’
Imagine you are watching a video of your life. The screens flash by. You see all the familiar moments of your life. Then you see an episode of a time when you were pushed to a corner by all the challenges that were swinging at you from every angle and corner.
You couldn’t handle it then. The pressure was too much. The familiarity of that time is ever so poignant now, so real. The situation brought such incredible pain. You just had to quit and give up.
Imagine now, that same video is played back to you again but this time it shows a new scene, the ‘happy ever after’ scene; the one that didn’t happen. Now you can see how close you were to getting to your destination, you were just one leg forward away, but how were you to know?
A lot of times, we stop short of our dreams. Dream job, dream business, dream marriage, dream health…the list goes on. What if Jesus had given up on the way to Calvary? The excruciating pain was much to bear. There was the humiliation, the shame, the scorn from these hypocrites who had hailed and decorated Him with palm leaves just few days before. Also there was the ingratitude crowd of those He had healed now jesting at Him.
But Jesus never considered any of these. He was driven by His mission and purpose and kept His focus on that. Because He did, today we have a hope and a future. If He had given up just at the point when it got too much, satan would have won. We would have been slaves to satan forever. Shudder at the thought.
Never give up on you! Don’t give up on your healing or anything. Every day, you are further away from where you used to be but closer to where you need to be. You have come too far to turn back.
Keep the course. Keep the focus. Keep the dream.
Thought for the day
It is said ‘97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who never gave up
This is an absolutely lovely post. For me it transported me back to a time I felt so lost I thought I would never find my way again. I enjoyed this and felt inspired thank you.