Possible impact of Depression on Your Health

Culled edit from Authenic Magazine [Issue 9]

Depression can have a negative impact on your health. My journey on the mental health system started with the diagnosis of psychotic depression.

Psychotic Depression

Some people do experience
psychosis and depression at the
same time. This can be delusions,
such as false beliefs and a
detachment from reality. It can also
involve hallucinations i.e. sensing
things of no existence. This was the case in my third episode of admission into a mental health ward. I was also quick to be influenced by the words I heard in the ward. The place was a mix of patients with different diagnosis. I overheard schizophrenia and asked whether I was suffering from this. Unbeknown to me that got into my records afterwards. With hindsight, the nursing and caring resources were overstretched even then.

Major depression

When a person experiences a
constant state of sadness, this maybe
due major depression. They may lose
interest in activities that used to be
fun. Major depressive disorder with
seasonal patterns affects those living
in countries with severe winters,
daylight reduction during the fall and
winter. These people may respond to
light therapy throughout the rest of the year.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Lasts for at least 2 years and persons
show both milder and major

Bipolar Disorder

Extreme mood swings from mania to
depression. In this case, between the
depressive and manic phases, there
are periods of a complete normal life.
In the manic phase, a person is in an
excited, cheerful or irritated mood,
hyperactive, talks a lot and sleeps
little, and his or her self-esteem is


There are a number of risk factors

#1 Previous major depressive episodes

This was certainly to case with me, undergoing nearly yearly episodes.

#2 Traumatic life events

Experiencing certain life events, such as
bereavement, job loss, changes in
medical and financial problems, marital or
relationship issues.

#3 Persistent pain

In more than one of the episodes leading to voluntary hospital admission, I felt intense, uncontrollable pain in the head, different from headache and migraine.

#4 No positive or successful strategy

#5 Using some antihypertensive drugs
such as beta blockers.

#6 Experiencing acute stress

#7 Past history of head injury.

#8 Having a close relative with depression.

#9 Alcohol abuse or use of amphetamines

The impact of alcohol abuse is commonly depression ahttps://www.theauthenticmagazine.orgs alcohol is a depressant.

#10 Chronic condition, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes

Depression can be pervasive. This issue of Authenic Magazine dealt with mental health hygiene

About The Author

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