How to Stop Acting Out in Anger 2
Last time we started looking at How to Stop Acting Out in Anger. Here are 4 points we identified
- Recognise your anger signs
- Avoid taking immediate action
- Exercise
- Sing

Let’s take a look at a few more things we can possibly do to curb anger and keep our cool at all times:
#5 Be Creative
Being creative can help reduce tensions. Gardening, writing , dancing, painting and other creative activity make you anticipate positive outcomes. I found that when I am learning new things, my level of positive expectations for the outcome of what am learning gives such a buzz. It drowns out any irritation I might have felt otherwise about other issues not going well. Committing to something new that you have good expectations from can boost your temperament.
# 6 Review Your thought Pattern
Change unhelpful ways of thinking. Often, it is how we respond to situations that we are faced with, rather than the situations themselves, that cause us the most damage. Thinking in a judgemental manner will only keep you focused on the situation or circumstance that is causing your anger. Your thoughts become your words. Letting go of judgemental thoughts will make it easier for you to calm down.
Try to avoid words like
- Never ( for example, “ You never listen”)
- Mustn’t ( for example: “I mustn’t be late”)
- Always (for example: “ You always get on my nerves”)
# 7 Discuss Your Feelings
Feedback from others can help you get and keep the proper perspective of events. Discussing your feelings with a trusted third party is sure to reveal aspects of the situation that you may not have realised. Discussing these also gives you the opportunity for personal reflection. You may find that you have focused unnecessarily on an aspect that was miscommunicated at the expense of other morale boosting aspects of your encounter.
Finally, as Anne said in her comment in the last post, knowing that you have Christ like qualities, keeps the tempers down. As she said, knowing who she was and making positive declarations made a world of difference.
Do you have any tips of your own? Please share with us. God bless you!