Stop being Unhappy about Yourself

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you find that you are constantly picking fights, finding fault with others, being over-critical?
Chances are that the reason for all of that is because something is eating you inside.
You are unhappy about yourself!
The worst kind of unhappiness is where you are unhappy about you.
Because in other words, you are not friends with you, and very likely you are not even thinking of reconciling with you.
But that can lead to you feeling lonely and even depressed. So this must not be pushed under the carpet.
Let’s look at why you may be unhappy about yoursef and see what we can do about it:
1 You keep remembering your mistakes
You are living in the past. And because you are, you keep remembering the mistakes of it.
Perhaps you are the one that everyone looks up to, comes to for advice.
And the very thing you advice others not to do…guess what…that is what you do!
Now you are living with the shame of it. A whole YOU, made the very mistake that you made a mantra not to do.
The best thing is forgive yourself and forget it. Move on. Listen, the fact that you have made the very mistake that you advised others not to make, puts in a position of perhaps empathy.
It is not that you were being judgmental or you were even hypocritical. When you were telling others not to do this very thing, it came from a clean conscience. Remember that. Deal with your critics, by showing that you have learnt from your mistakes.
Remember there are benefits of making mistakes. If you did not know, then it shows you have not read our posts on the benefits of mistakes! So relax, and stop the regret. And go read that post on mistakes after you are done with this one 🙂 .
2 You think you are not good enough
So why do you think you are not good enough? If it is because you are comparing yourself to someone else, then that is a very unfair comparison.
Did you hear what I said? Very unfair comparison.
Even twins have different DNA’s. So what gives you the right to compare your uniqueness with another person. Run your race.
The progress of others does not mean you are failing or you are stagnant. This is why you should know your purpose, be focused and stick to achieving your own goals.
If there are things you need to improve (which there would always be), then seek to improve. Do a course, learn, stop doing the wrong thing or whatever it takes.
3 You are jealous and envious
Which brings me to the next point. Learn to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
You bought a bike when you neighbor just bought a Porsche. Celebrate the bike!
Who would not like you? If anyone took the time to get to know you, they would really, really like you!
Celebrate your neighbor.
As you celebrate your achievements and rejoice with others, you pave the way for more blessings to come your way.
Stop being envious and jealous. It will achieve nothing except more unhappiness and probably debts you did not bargain for.
Learn to be content in whatever situation you find yourself. As long as you have this mindset, and that of hope, you can never be jealous of the next person.
4 You strive for perfection
You are perfect. God does not make mistakes and believe me, you will not be His first.
Stop thinking you are anything short of perfect. You are the best of you. There was never anyone like you, there is not anyone like you…and there will never be anyone like you. How unique that makes you.
Your nose is perfect the way it is. Be kind to your features. Be kind to yourself. Just be the best of you with what you are!
5 You look to others to make you happy
You are responsible for your own happiness. No one else is. It is YOUR life. So stop looking to your family and friends to make you happy.
If they let us down, we feel down in the dumps. We think we are unlovable. That there is something the matter with us. That we are not deserving of kindness, love and friendship.
Someone ignores you, give them an excuse. It might be they did not see you, or that they are having a rough day.
If they keep ignoring you, even say they don’t like you…then that is because they don’t know you.
Who would not like you? If anyone took the time to get to know you, they would really, really like you!
6 You listen to those that criticize you
I always say critics are useful for one thing. They can show us where things would not work with our plans. They are good testers for our plans…to an extent.
If they criticize us, then we can chew the bits that we need for nutrients and spit out the rest. We don’t need to swallow and digest every word.
No one ever criticized an insignificant person. So the fact you have critics, shows your worth. So be happy!
And keep doing what you are doing…get better!
So, make up your mind to be happy
As we have already mentioned above, happiness, your happiness is your ownership.
Make up your mind that you will be happy. Make up your mind that you can’t change your past, but you can do something to make tomorrow better.
Make up your mind to embrace your critics, rather than keep fighting to silence them.
Make up your mind that you will love you.
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