When Talking to Yourself is a Sign of Sanity
Have you ever caught ‘you’ talking to yourself? Did you think you were going insane? Can talking to yourself be a sign of sanity however?
The words we say to ourselves have more power than any other words that anyone can say to you. Words have life. Our lives go in the direction of our words.

It is often said, If you don’t like what you have change what you are saying!
The words you say rule your life. Therefore don’t talk fear. Don’t talk lack. Don’t talk failure. For the power is in your mouth.
Learn to wake up at night and talk into the realms of the spirit. Talk to you about you!
You are the prophet of your own life. Prophesy yourself out of that situation and prophesy yourself into your future. Look in the mirror and tell the person on the other side that they are a champion! Tell that person that they are wise, intelligent, healthy and strong.
Keep talking. Talk the Word. Speak GOD’S WORD to that situation. Don’t talk ABOUT the situation; talk TO the situation. Find out from God’s word what He has said concerning the particular challenge before you and then speak it to that situation!
I have a sound mind! I have the wisdom of God. I can answer hard questions. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I am a success. I am born to win!
See how you feel better already?
Start talking to yourself today. Don’t wait for someone to tell you these words. Speak them out; don’t think them. Yes, this is when speaking to yourself is a sign of sanity! And remember, what determines whether you stay or come out of a situation is what you say in that situation. As Pastor Chris Oyakhilome famously says, Keep talking it, don’t stop saying it!
How true!
Share with us some of the things you say to yourself in the comments below!