“You are the heavyweight. Never see mental illness as the big guy.
You are more than a conqueror”
What you are saying about: Defying Mental Illness
Hello! I just wanted to thank you for the work you do, especially with trying to take away the stigma which is so popular from mental illness. I am a teenager and was diagnosed with complex delayed-onset PTSD about a year ago. I really appreciated the latest post on PTSD.
It is so true, it so hard to understand why the brain can’t put the past in the past and leave it there! I am encouraged to read your stories, since I have moments when i fear I will never get better. The support found on this website is amazing, and the insights and posts are very helpful in dealing with personal mental illness.
Thank you for the posts and support! I am praying for you and the success of your mission!
You have NO idea how much you guys have helped me. I’m grateful. I’m thankful. I would have been dead by now. You guys are rare. Zoe listened to me without judging me. Not once did she judge me…she helped me get better step by step and I am finally making it. THANK YOU!
(P.M., UAE)
Thank you for your website. I have been following it for a few months now and I say the content is very powerful. Your site is very unique too as it offers us hope while at the same time being factual. You always come away from your website feeling lifted. Please keep up the great work.
(Catherine, USA)
Very grateful for your hard work. It motivates me and gives me hope!
(G., Aruba)
Defying Mental Illness a good resource to follow, so please keep up the good work
What you are saying about: Defying the Odds – One Man’s Struggle and Victory Over Mental Illness and His Wife Whose Trust in God Never Failed
I really appreciate this book, Defying the Odds. It’s an inspiration to me. I have a family member who had experienced challenges with mental health. Your book came at the right time it was an unexpected blessing. It’s an inspiring testimony but also a practical tool to help and encourage us. It just shows that the power of confessions; we should never ever give up. I appreciate the summaries and confessions; they are a tool so that we can share the book with other family members who have not yet had the opportunity to read the book. Thank you so much.
I hope more people can get a hold of this book as it will help them to see an expected end of victory. If you are contemplating buying this book, I would most definitely recommend it. It will encourage you in many different ways, you will definitely have a change and a testimony.
(Sheba, UK)
Defying the Odds is beautifully written. A woman’s undying love entwined with great faith and a loving relationship. It touches the very core. This book uplifts you and proves that all things are possible with God. It teaches patience, love and trust and above all how to rely on God. It has also shown what support and true love can do in any situation. It is truly wonderful that you can share your story.
(SJ, UK)
Defying the Odds is a book you will not want to put down. This book presents a couples’ awesome testimony of their spiritual warfare in overcoming mental illness with the power of the Holy Spirit. It illuminates having faith to a different dimension. It shows that building your faith in God can be extremely rewarding.
The book is beautifully written, full of wise spiritual counsel and a blessing to read. This is a book that will stir your heart and encourage you on a deeper walk with God as you face the complexities life can throw your way. I recommend this book to everyone. It will empower you with powerful spiritual truths, expand your faith and provide you with Gods’ words’, that will apply to any situation you are facing in life. It will start or strengthen your journey in having total faith in the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Georgina, Canada)
What you are saying about: Meditations And Confessions For People Facing Mental Health Challenges
An excellent book, a must read. I highly recommend this to everyone. You don’t have to have mental challenges to use and enjoy this book.
(Ifeanyi, UK)
My son is making progress: I bought 10 copies of Defying the Odds some months ago to give to the medical professionals treating my son. My son was then in a high security unit in a psychiatric hospital. I wanted the medics to see that it is possible to recover from mental illness. I have found the books, Defying the Odds and the Meditations and Confessions for People facing Mental Health Challenges, so inspiring and helpful.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, today my son is allowed to come home once every fortnight to see us. He was also been moved out of the secure unit to a low secure unit and now he is in a rehabilitation unit. Thank you so much, Defying Mental Illness, for your support and prayers each step of the way. My son has come a long way in the last 7 months after several years of mental illness. Indeed, my son is defying the odds too. Thanks be to God!
(Name and address supplied)
What you are saying about: Workshop/Event: Mental Illness Strikes – Enough is Enough 2014
I attended the Workshop for When Mental Illness Strikes Enough is Enough on 11 October 2014. I liked the honesty and openness of the individuals. I like the excellent organisation of the workshop. I found crisis intervention, knowing yourself, and managing bipolar affective disorder to be the most helpful topics. Thank you.
(S.A., UK)
I attended When Mental Illness Strikes Enough is Enough on 11 October 2014. The presentation on Communication and also the monologue drama touched me so much. I found myself crying. I did not have a good relationship with my daughter who is challenged with learning difficulties. However, from what I took from the presentation, we now have a much better relationship. The rift has been healed between us. I now know what to do and how to communicate effectively with my daughter. I have improved my listening skills. Thank you for a wonderful event. I am looking forward to the next one.
(M.C., UK)