The Knife Killing Crisis is Everyone’s Crisis

Knife killing has become a common word in England. Nearly every week, though it seems like every day, some kid is knifed, often killed.
The other day there was yet another such killing, I should say, at my doorstep.

Doorstep in the sense that where it happened, is a place I have been to maybe 10,000 times in my life.
Doorstep in the sense, that about two decades ago, I literally lived about ten to fifteen minutes walk away. That place is today a murder crime scene.
It is easy for us to look the other way when the news flashes another killing. It gets so common, we lose track of the latest killing.
But how common can a precious life be? Especially when some of these kids are young teenagers like the latest victim.
A lot of times it is young black boys killing other young black boys. But that is not always the case! There have been white, middle aged knifed too.
So if you are not black, or if you are not a boy, or a parent to these, it can become something that you think really does not concern you…
That is until it really concerns you. Because as the situation continues to get out of hand, it will eventually spiral so much out of control that it hits home. Your home, our home, everyone’s home.
And that is because while we think because we don’t personally know those wielding the axe, or rather knife, or even machete, it is not far from our doorsteps.
The killings are getting more brazen and daring. Gone are the days, killings were shielded by darkness. Now, these things are happening in broad daylight or in this recent case in busy places with tens if not hundreds of witnesses!
The politicians are forced to care even though they do not have the answers. Or all the answers.
There is a desperate call for everyone who cares about human life, to wake up and smell the blood of young lives being shed violently. Sorry, it gets as gross as that.
There is a desperate call for those in leadership capacity to look out for young kids even when they are yet taking their first steps. These kids need positive role models. Rather than be a news critic or commentator why not influence a young life?
Help steer them out of trouble, from gang lives, from ravenous drug lords that become these kids’ leaders and role models!
Like it or not, this is every day terrorism on our doorstep. Terror so vile and sickening.
Because to be a witness to such a crime, which many did the other day, is to be scarred. Even for life. It is a trauma that can bring flashbacks, fear and even affect our mental health.
Imagine, God forbid, such audacious crime happened in front of your 6 year old. They have in a flash, become a victim too of the crime.
So in our capacity, please do not look the other way. Remember there are no winners when someone is killed on our streets.
Remember, if we do not become a victor over this crisis, we are all victims.