The Power of Confession

When a Christian talks about making confessions, they are talking about saying the same things that God says about them. A confession is an acknowledgement or declaration. It is speaking what God says about you not just thinking it.
So, if for example, the Bible says you have the mind of Christ, your confession is that you indeed have the mind of Christ, even if the medical report says you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. To the ordinary mind, this may not make sense but we have to look at ourselves the same way God sees us.
He sees us as perfect because the Blood of Jesus made us perfect and our confessions must consent to that else we remain in our predicament for it affects our faith in the Word of God. There is power in the words we speak. See Proverbs 18:21
The Word of God has final authority in everything. We give authority by what we say and who we listen to. Accepting what the Word of God says is accepting God’s authority. Listening to the Word of God is accepting this authority. You must apply authority for it’s effects to be felt.
Confessing the Word of God and meditating upon it is applying the authority of the Word of God. Matthew 12:37 says The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you. This shows us the power of our words.
You will have what you say. Start saying the right things today; look at yourself through God’s mirror, i.e. His word, instead of the natural mirror which shows your flaws. You were made in His image therefore you are no mistake or accident.
As you say (confess) what God says concerning you, your life will go in the direction of your words.
Remember, if you don’t like what you have, change what you are saying!