There are No Wasted Years

Culled from’Defying Mental illness – A 31-Day Devotional’
Someone once said there is no deadline in making a fresh start. How true.
Many are reluctant to make a fresh start because maybe they don’t feel they deserve one or maybe they are fearful to do so.
Some live in the regrets of yesterday. They believe they have wasted their years.
God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. It does not matter the mistakes you have made. They were all part of the plan conspiring towards God’s expected end.
Joseph could have been wailing whilst sitting in the cold damp prison dungeons regretting the fact that he opened his naive mouth to share the dream God had planted in his heart to his brothers.
It was not a wise move obviously to let his brothers in on God’s secret plan for Joseph’s great future.
But his mistake fitted into God’s divine plan.
Even as the years counted up and the possibility of the dream now seemed as farfetched as building a mansion on Mars, we never read for once that Joseph lamented of wasted years living as a slave when he was a prince.
In fact he reassured his brothers later when they reconciled that even though they meant their act for bad, God planned it to his advantage.
There are no wasted years for a Christian. The Bible in the Old Testament says yes God will restore our wasted years. But there is a higher promise than that. When Jesus came, God now lets us know that ALL things are working together for our good.
It does not matter how ill or broken you may be right now. Remember Joseph went from prisoner to prime minister in one day.
God is the creator of time and does not need an excessive amount of time to promote you. And by the words of life you speak to yourself, you can keep prolonging your years on this earth.
Thoughts for the day
1. “You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream” – C.S. Lewis
2. The cheetah is faster than the tortoise but the cheetah lives 15 years while the tortoise can live for as long as 150 years. Long after Mr Cheetah’s great-great-grandchildren (8 greats!) are dead and buried or eaten, Mr Tortoise is still living and enjoying the abundant life. Resurrect your dreams TODAY. Your best days are ahead.