Time is more Expensive than Money
Values on what are the most expensive things in life vary from place to place, from person to person. Perception of the value of time often makes the difference between outcomes.
#1. Don’t spend your time making more money. Spend your money making more time.
Time is money. Not really. Time has more value than money. Once time is lost, time cannot be retrieved. Whereas with even bankruptcy, money can still be regained.
Someone once said on their death bed that they wished they had spent more time in the office. But many regret not spending enough time with family and friends or doing the things they loved.
#2. You can get more money but you can’t naturally get more time.

Money is often compensation for time spent. The value you get for your time otherwise engaged. The amount of money you get is a reflection of what others are willing to compensate you for your attention and commitment.
There’s 24 hours in the day for everyone. No one can get more. Perspective is everything. Someone said to my hearing once that the difference in behaviour between the rich and the poor is that one spends time to buy money while the other spends money to buy time.
#3 Time is the great leveller

However, rich or poor we are, time places a limitation on us all. The difference is in what each of us can accomplish within our time limitations. The truly wealthy achieve more results by utilising other people’s time resources. This can be done through co-operation or manipulation.
Time very often can make the difference between success and failure.
More on this to come……….
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