Youthful Mind, Timeless Beauty: Stress Relief for Anti-Ageing

By Meghan

Stress is a part of life, but when stress becomes persistent, it can lead to physical aging. Studies have shown that stress can actually cause biological aging. When the stress is removed, the body can typically recover. Unfortunately, many people suffer from chronic stress that persists and brings negative health effects along with it.
Fortunately, it’s possible to take action to relieve stress and enjoy the health benefits that come from that relief. With conscious effort, you can step back from stress and enjoy the anti-aging effects that result from your efforts.

The persistence of stress in our lives can lead to a constant, low-level alertness that wears on us and causes excessive aging. To counteract that aging, we must take deliberate steps to calm our minds and bodies, thereby helping to return our brains and bodies back to a rested state. When we are successful, it can help turn back the clock and prevent us from aging any faster than normal.

How Does Stress Affect the Body?

The human brain is amazingly complex, but it also developed to survive in a world that is far different than the one we live in. Some of its most basic reactions are designed for survival, like the fight or flight response. When it perceives a threat, it engages the whole body to prepare to run or to fight. It increases blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and adrenaline in the body. It also causes the body to release cortisol to increase alertness.

The first humans perceived something to be afraid of, then ran away or fought it off. Those experiences probably occurred over a relatively short period of time. Such as seeing a tiger and running away. But modern humans rarely encounter tigers outside of a zoo. Instead, they deal with other stresses, like work, school and social media. Unlike running away from the tiger, these stresses are often impossible to deal with in a timely manner. They persist.

The persistence of stress in our lives can lead to a constant, low-level alertness that wears on us and causes excessive aging. To counteract that aging, we must take deliberate steps to calm our minds and bodies, thereby helping to return our brains and bodies back to a rested state. When we are successful, it can help turn back the clock and prevent us from aging any faster than normal.

7 Ways to Reduce Stress for Anti-Aging

Here are some proven ways to reduce stress:

#1 Improve your diet.

Unhealthy eating, such as high-salt, high-fat, highly processed foods, has been shown to increase stress levels. Your body requires a wide range of nutrients to function properly. When it is deprived of those nutrients, stress develops. A poor diet can have noticeable negative effects on the skin as well.

When you eat a healthier diet, one rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean protein sources, it can reduce the stress in your body. It’s common to experience other benefits besides reduced stress, including better mood, healthier weight, and more energy. All of these things can help you look and feel younger.

#2 Engage in your favorite exercise.

Exercise is an excellent way to combat stress. While it does put your body under a specific kind of stress by raising your heart rate, over the long term it reduces overall stress levels and improves your health. The benefits are similar to those you get from a healthy diet. You can expect a boost in your mood and better energy levels from regular exercise.

It’s important to pick a form of exercise that you enjoy because the real benefits come from consistency rather than one big push and then nothing afterward. Some people love running or lifting weights. Other people love pickleball, golf, dancing, or paddle boarding. Outdoor activities in the sun can be a great way to ease stress mentally and take a break from being inside all day. Being in the sun all day can cause skin-aging issues, so it’s important to wear quality sunscreen. If you aren’t sure what kind of activities you prefer, start trying out different options. Ask friends to show you their favorite exercises, sports, and activities. Or, you can just start with the first one that comes to mind, watch a video, and get moving.

#3 Practice deep breathing.

Sometimes it is very difficult to think our way out of stress. Even if part of you knows that you are not in any immediate danger, another part of you might not be responding to your efforts to relax. Breathing exercises offer a proven way to lower blood pressure and relax the central nervous system, regardless of what kind of persistent thoughts you are having. The most effective breathing exercises for stress relief are those that have you breathe out for longer than you breathe in. You can try it right now. Breathe in for a count of four and out for a count of five. Repeat five times. You can do this as often as you want for immediate relief.

#4 Socialize.

Socializing with people you feel comfortable with is an important form of stress relief. Different people have different tolerance for socialization, so you might have to find the right mix for your preferences. Just keep in mind that humans developed as social animals that benefit from having other humans to interact with.

#5 Meditate.

Meditation is another proven way to alleviate stress. It can be a little more intimidating for some people than breathing exercises though, which is understandable. There are many different ways to meditate and it’s important to find a technique that works well for you. You can try an app or any method which appeals to you.

For a simple starter, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing as it goes in and out. Set a timer for a minute, five minutes, or whatever you feel comfortable with, with the mindset that you are freeing your mind from the stress around you. Doing this consistently can be very effective for stress management.

#6 Remember gratitude.

It can be helpful to remind ourselves that there are things that we appreciate in our lives. Even when times are tough, there are usually a few things we can point to that we are grateful for.

One easy way to improve your outlook is to write down three things you are grateful for each day. Over time, you will likely notice more things to add to your list.

#7 Take Advantage of the Anti-Aging Benefits of Effective Stress Relief.

You can’t completely eliminate stress from your life. But you can learn to manage it better and to give yourself some much-needed relief. Fight excessive aging from stress by trying one of these tips today!

Author Bio

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico.
She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends

About The Author

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